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"CNSdi" is a simple Python dependency injection library, build for simplicity of use. Services can be identified through id and namespace.


Decorator imports

from di.decorator import service, inject

Service examples


Create a service with an id of a.service that, when retrieved, will return the a_service function, unmolested.

def a_service():
    return "I am a service"

Create a service that will return an instantiated object. This time, the namespace is explicitly set for the service.

@service('another.service', to_namespace='not.the.default.namespace')
class AnotherService(object):

Inject examples


Since a.service stores a function, you can call it like any other function. The raw function stored as a.service is injected into this function.

def func(svc):
    return svc()
func() == "I am a service"
class InjectedObject(object):

You can inject into an class too, just do it in the constructor or any other function in the class.

    def __init__(self, svc):
        self.msg = svc()
    def get_message():
        return self.msg
InjectedObject().get_message() == "I am a service"

Services can have injected functions as well. It just works.

class InjectedServiceObject(object):
    def __init__(self, svc):
        self.msg = svc()
    def get_message():
        return self.msg

Use helpers!

from di.helpers import add_service, get_service

Helpers help make things a little easier for procedural code. Here you can grab a service and start using it immediately. No additional wiring needed.

get_service('a.object.service').get_message() == "I am a service"

So let's say you have a file that imports and collects all your services.

from markdown import markdown
add_service('markdown', markdown)

In another file, you can call up that service and use it immediately.

'<h1>Hello World!</h1>' == get_service('markdown')('#Hello World!')

Then you decide you want to use a different markdown renderer.

from my.markdown.renderer import render
add_service('markdown', render)

You call the same code in the other file, and it should work the same!

'<h1>Hello World!</h1>' == get_service('markdown')('#Hello World!')